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Welcome to Y.A.N.G. Upcycling Lab – where sustainability meets artistry.

Based in London, from the Atacama Desert, Chile, Y.A.N.G. Upcycling Lab is an innovative initiative created by Francisca Gajardo, a pioneer in the field of upcycling. With six years of hands-on experience in the art of transforming discarded materials into valuable creations, Francisca has dedicated herself to teaching others the art of upcycling for the past five years.

Y.A.N.G., which stands for "You Are the Next Generation," represents our belief in the power of every individual to make a positive impact on the world. We strive to inspire change by offering transformative experiences through our unique micro-school concept.


Transform trash into treasure. Embrace the spirit of the next generation.

Our nomad lab has taken us on a journey around the world, where we have had the privilege of teaching and collaborating with individuals from diverse backgrounds. From local communities to international settings, our upcycling workshops have ignited creativity and fostered a sense of empowerment among participants.

As an international upcycler, Francisca Gajardo has gained recognition for her expertise and dedication to the art of upcycling. Her passion for this craft is evident in every aspect of our lab, and her vision has inspired countless individuals to embrace the potential of discarded materials.

Get to Know Us

We invite you to join us at Y.A.N.G. Upcycling Lab and embark on a journey of creativity, sustainability, and personal growth. Explore our workshops, engage with our community, and discover the endless possibilities of upcycling. Together, let's be the change we wish to see in the world.







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